

CadaquƩs 2011 w/my master, favourite blackbelt and great friend S.S.

We must never stop dreaming

It's the pleasure of searching and the pleasure of adventure. You are nourishing something that's very important - YOUR DREAMS. We must never stop dreaming. Dreams provide nourishment for the soul, just as a meal does for the body. Many times in our lives we see our dreams shattered and our desires frustrated, but we have to continue dreaming. If we don't, our soul dies...

The Good Fight is the one we fight because our heart asks it of us. It is the one that's fought in the name of our dreams. We kill our dreams because we are afraid to fight the Good Fight.

The first symptom of the process of killing our dreams is lack of time. The bussiest people I have known in my life always have time enough to do everything. Those who do nothing are always tired and pay no attention to the little amount of work they are required to do. They complain constantly that the day is too short. The Truth is, they are afraid to fight the Good Fight.

The second symptom of the death in our dreams lies in our centainties. Because we don't want to see life as a grand adventure, we begin to think of ourselves as wise and fair and correct in asking so little of life.

And, finally, the third symptom of the passing of our dreams is peace. Life becomes a Sunday afternoon; we ask for nothing grand, and we cease to demand anything more than we are willing to give. In that state we think of ourselves as being mature; we put aside the fantasies of our youth, and we seek personal and professional achievement. We are surprised when people our age say that they still want this or that out of life. But really, deep in our hearts, we know that what has happened is that we have renounced the battle for our dreams - WE HAVE REFUSED TO FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT.

- Paulo Coelho (The pilgrimage, 2008)


The five agreements


According to don Miguel Ruiz, everything we do is based on agreements we have made - agreements with ourselves, with people, with God and with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves. With these agreements we tell ourselves who we are, how we behave, what is possible, what is impossible.

1. Be impeccable with your word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others, for it is poison. Use the power of your word in the direction of TRUTH AND LOVE. This agreement does take courage and determination.

2. Don't take anything personally
Nothing others do is because of you. We all create our own world by our thoughts and dreams. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering. Breathe.

3. Don't make assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. Be and see, instead thinking of it. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always do your best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment: it wil be different when you are tired as opposed to well rested. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse, and regret. Shine!

5. Be skeptical, but learn to listen
Don't believe yourself or anybody else. Use the power of doubt to question everything you hear: is it really the truth? Listen. Listen to the intent behind the words, and you will understand the real message.

Accept yourself. Accept others. Accept the universe.

Love yourself.



The words that flutter from your mind

I do not care what care you drive. Where you live. If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone. If your clothes are this year's cutting edge. If your trust fund is unlimited. If you are A-list B-list or never heard of you list. I only care about the words that flutter from your mind. They are the only thing you truly own. The only thing I will remember you by. I will not fall in love with your bones and skin. I will not fall in love with the places you have been. I will not fall in love with anything but the words that flutter from you extraordinary mind.

- Unknown


Vrienden zijn als bomen

Vrienden zijn als bomen,
ze wachten tot je nog eens langs komt en ze zijn onverstoorbaar als je wegblijft.
Ook na maanden afwezigheid kan je de draad weer opnemen,
omdat ondertussen niets werd afgebroken.

Vrienden zijn als bomen,
op een goede afstand van elkaar geplant.
Zo moeten ze elkaar niets betwisten,
ze kennen ook geen afgunst,
maar nodigen elkaar uit om hoger te groeien.

Vrienden zijn als bomen
en bomen buigen niet, maar wuiven.

- Eugeen Laridon