

As Jack Kerouac said:
"Be in love with your life. Every detail of it."

Yali Sharon: "When you live unbound everyday is amazing.
Read this interview to really understand what LiveUnbound is all about."
Live Unbound, click here


BJJ: The arm bar

Pictures made by Philipp Schmidt @ Holland Gi Challenge 2013

Word du Jour: See

"My eyes are my favorite part of me. Not for how they look, but for how they see."
- Chris Sebastian


Word du Jour: Time

“Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” - H. Jackson Brown Jr.


Your authentic self

Times are changing and often people ask themselves: Why am I here in this world? What am I doing here? And, what am I supposed to be doing with my life? Questions that if answered, tend to make life and our purpose in this world a little bit more sense. Questions that - I believe - can not be answered without finding out first who you truly are.

Your complete authentic self.

I'd love to quote William Shakespeare (Hamlet) here:

"This above all:
To thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man."

So instead of wondering why you are here in this world and what you're doing here, ask yourself: Who am I? Who am I being in this world? Because, what you supposed to be doing with your life will flow out of who you truly are.

As Kathleen Taylor once spoke:
"You are the only one that is or ever will be constellated just the way you are. You're the only one who thinks like you. You are the only one that sees the possibilities that you see. You are the only one who loves the way you love. You are it."

You are it! Now accept and embrace your truest you, since in this lifetime you are the only you.

Oh (and I again am sharing this wonderful thought with Kathleen) imagine this beautiful world moving forward, filled with creativity, action and innovation that comes from true and pure authenticity. Imagine how we all would shine in our own authentic way. Imagine if we all figured out who we truly are and we contributed to the world through that.




Make it count

Must see documentary: Make it count, by Casey Neistat.
As Ghandi put it:
"Action expresses priority."
Now go make it count :-)


Song of the week

Oh. This song provides lots and lots of smiles.
Happy weekend all!
Love, Saraï