
Word du Jour: Delete

I still dream about you.


Dreamers can never be tamed

"Dreamers can not be tamed. Dreamers can not be ruled."
Wonderful words by my favorite novelist Paulo Coelho. When I turned 24 yrs old, this was the first sentence I wrote on my mood board.
We know times change constantly, because life isn't solid - but fluid. When we flow in life, it takes us to places we never expected to see. 
As Doe Zantamata says: "Taking time to do nothing often brings everything into perspective." I feel like flowing awake while dreaming endlessly. The desire to persue my Legend has become so powerful. I listen to my heart and important decisions follow. I don't quit, I just need to put some things on hold so that I can get my full potential. Because dreamers can not be tamed. They use their power and strength that was given when following their Legend. Their beauty comes from having their own style, living their own way and knowing their own mind. They believe in their Legend, feel their Legend and are up for every possibility and probability along its way.
"Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure." - Paulo Coelho
Here I am - ready for what is next. All smiles, Life is so beautiful!


Word du Jour: Capability

"You, at this very moment, can not be more than you are, right now." - SRP
Trust your flow. Do not compare. Just be you.


Courageous Dreaming

Last year I received a very special gift from my great friend AJ: Courageous Dreaming by Alberto Villoldo. I read this book last year during my stay in America and recently I started reading it over again. It amazes me how much can happen in just one year. Not only physically and in real life, but also mentally. 

I must say, this gem does make more sense at this moment in time than it did last year.

I would love to start with these wise words by Alberto Villoldo:
"Courageous dreaming allows you to create from the source, the quantum soup of the universe where everything exists in a latent or potential state. [...] When you dream courageously, the effects aren't always immediately visible in the physical world. The most dramatic changes will occur inside of you, quietly. [...] You draw upon the courage of the soul when you choose to look at things differently and create a different type of life for yourself. When you do that, the circumstances of your immediate environment will begin to transform."

Sigh. Now I understand. Courageous dreaming is more than taking the courage to actually do what you love to do most. It is so much more than the ambition, the energy and the continuous drive by passion to become a better person or being.

The past few years I have been working on my being in this world and the definition of my reality. I have shifted my perception to a higher level of counsciousness and the way I interpret it. It's like I've been creating a different level of awareness - within and around my self. 

I dreamt my world into being by taking the facts and writing a new story with them. I scripted a different experience of my reality. I embraced the anger, fear and pain inside me and stopped blaming others for experiencing these feelings. All is in me. Now I perceive situations without judging good or bad, but accepting that these situations simply are. I also learned to cut the BS so I can nourish my soul. 

By dreaming my world into a new being or courageous dreaming, it's like my passion has grown more and my days have been lived more intense than ever before. It's like I developed a new habit of dreaming courageously by choosing to create a new and better reality. Right now.

As Alberto said: "It takes courage to taste infinity."

Live your dream courageous.



Middelburg, August 2013